I cannot find my Sharepoint Site in Power Automate

Today I helped a customer setting up a Power Automate Flow that needed to freate a folder in a Sharepoint Library.

When I clicked the dropdown in the flow step the Site was not there… WT?

I entered the URL in Flow and it said that it was able to find the site. When I pasted it into the address bar in Edge it worked perfectly… Hmmm…

After a lot of troubleshooting (aka Googling) I found a forum post that explained that apparently even cloud servers does need a bit of a warm-up stretch to get up to speed- 🙂

Note… I do NOT take any kind of credit for this solution… Just saving it for myself

Re: We are unable to find the site address. Please… – Power Platform Community (microsoft.com)

Flow Friday: Using Approval Status for Sharepoint lists in Microsoft Flow

Tonight I was trying to filter a Sharepoint List based on Approval Status in Microsoft Flow… this turned out to be a bit tricky… maybe even more than a bit.

Apparently the column Approval column is a system column and those are not visible as properties in Flow. There is however a way to get it… The property you need to use is OData__ModerationStatus. The different status values are

  • 0 for “Approved”
  • 1 for “Rejected”
  • 2 for “Pending”

The correct statement in Flow is

OData__ModerationStatus eq ‘0’

Another field you can access this way is OData__Moderation_comments

That is it for tonight


Sharepoint Detective work

Today I was looking at a malfunctioning Sharepoint (for enterprise Portar) the problem was that it could not find the database for either configuration or content which meant that it was pretty much screwed. I am not the one who installed this so I did not know there to start looking. Since I am not very proficient in Sharepoint I decided to start from the beginning… Where should the database be located? I tried launching Sharepoint Central Administration… did not work. Tried launching the Sharepoint Powershell Admin console… Could not find farm… I looked in the eventlog… no mention of any SQL Server name…

So I searched around abit online and found the most basic setting… where does Sharepoint expect to find:

SharePoint 2007:
SharePoint Server config database connection string location for SharePoint Server 2007
My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\12.O\Secure\ConfigDb

SharePoint 2010:
SharePoint Server config database connection string location for SharePoint Server 2010
My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\14.O\Secure\ConfigDb

SharePoint 2013:
And for SharePoint 2013…
My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\15.O\Secure\ConfigDb

So this meant that I found the SQL server and could continue troubleshooting…



Uppgredera CompanyWeb i efterhand

När man migrerar till SmallBusiness Server 2011 tar man som bekant en backup av Sharepoint databasen från den gamla servern och återställer den i den nya servern. Man använder sedan följande kommando för att koppla upp databasen I Sharepoint:

Mount-SPContentDatabase –Name ShareWebDB –Webapplication http://companyweb

Om man vill kan man direkt uppgradera utseendet till det nya SP2010 gränssnittet genom att istället köra:

Mount-SPContentDatabase –Name ShareWebDB –Webapplication http://companyweb –UpdateUserExperience

Om man missat detta kan man I efterhand använda följande för att uppgradera:

$web=get-spwebapplication http://companyweb
Foreach ($sites in $web.sites)


Multiple templates for a document library

Today a customer asked me if he could create multiple templates in the same document library (in our case Excel spreadsheet). The answer is of course Yes. Here is how you do it.

  • From the Site Actions menu, select Site Settings.
  • select Site content types.
  • Click the create link at the top
  • Enter the content type name, description, and parent content type. Use the content type “Spreadsheet”,  give it a description.Set the Parent Content Type, choose Document Content Types/Document.
  • Click the OK button to finalize the creation process.
  • Go to Advanced settings.
  • Use for instance Excel to create a template file.
  • Select “Upload a new document template” and browse to the template. Click Upload.
  • Now go to the document library where you want to add the template and click Settings – Document Library Settings.
  • Select Advanced Settings and change “Allow management of content types” to yes. Click OK
  • Under Content Types click “Add from existing site content types”
  • Choose the one you created and click Add and OK

Content types defined at a site level are available to that site and all subsites. It’s recommended that you don’t change the existing content types. 



I want Sharepoint to open links in a new window

First, open the schema file for the links list feature.  In my case, it was located at:
C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedweb server extensions12TEMPLATEFEATURESLinksListLinksschema.xml
In this file there should be two instances of the following:
<Column Name="URL" HTMLEncode="TRUE" /><HTML><![CDATA[">]]></HTML>
Replace them both with this:
<Column Name="URL" HTMLEncode="TRUE" /><HTML><![CDATA[" target="_blank">]]></HTML>




Using NLB (Network Load Balancing) with Sharepoint

Today I set up my first NLBd Sharepoint. The problem I had was that when I took down the first installed server the second one did not work. The problem was that the Sharepoint installation did not use the the NLB cluster address, it used the address of the fists server.


The solution is called Alternate Access Mapping. You need to change the URL in alternate access mapping to the Cluster URL. Here is how:

  1. Start Central Administration
  2. Go to the Operations tab
  3. Click on Alternate Access Mappings under Global Configuration
  4. You should now see a list of your web applications, switch over to the one you want to map to the new URL by selecting it from the drop down on the right side
  5. Change the default field to the NLB address






Enabling Adobe Acrobat in Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0

1. Download the Adobe PDF iFilter 6.0 and install it
2. Download and run the zip mentioned here



Sharepoint Tips and Tricks

Installing Language Pack

  1. Download the Language Pack from here
  2. Install the Language Pack
  3. Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard

Note: All sites and site collections created before install the install will not be converted. All new sites can be creted in the new language.


Deploy language packs (Windows SharePoint Services 3.0)
Install available language template packs (Windows SharePoint Services)
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Language Pack
Johan Dewes Svenska Sharepoint Blog
Create a subweb (v1.0)
Downloads for Windows SharePoint Services
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Technical Library
Administrator’s Guide for Windows SharePoint Services (v2.0)
SharePointCommunity Wiki
Mart Muller’s Sharepoint Weblog


Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 VHD