Last week I had an issue with DataEvents. We hav made a change to an entity in FnO and we wanted the new fields for be visible in the JSON message sent by Data Events. We did not get the correct information in the JSON message. This did not work… I tested the following tips
– Refresh the entity list
– Refresh the entity Mappings
– Reactivated the Data Event
– Rebuild business event catalog (from the manage tab in Business Events Catalog)
– Did an DMF export to verify that the data is correct
– I checked the OData feed from FnO and the fields looked OK. Dataevents use Virtual Entities and Virtual Entities are based on OData
When I Look in Dataverse the added fields are not visible… strange… No wonder the message is not correct.
What you need to do to get this working is that you need to go to Advanced find in CRM/CE and find the entity in Available Finance and Operation Entities. Open it by clicking on it.
The next part is a little hidden… If you click the — besides Refresh, it will turn into a checkbox
Check it and then click Save
NOTE: When I did this the first few times it did not work. I am not positive why but I think it might be because did not wait for it to finish saving completely. Let it take its time… get a coffee (or other beverage of choice)
Once you have done this, go back to the maker portal and verify that the field is visible there
Thanks for the Tip, Nurlin
How to refresh FinOps Virtual Entity in CDS ? – Dynamics 365 Finance Forum Community Forum