When I try to create a software package on my System Center Essentials I get the following error:
Create Directory Failed
Note: The following information was gathered when the operation was attempted. The information may appear cryptic but provides context for the error. The application will continue to run.
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: CreateDirectory failed
at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.FileSystemUtilities.CreateDirectory(String path)
at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.Publisher.CreatePackageDirectory(String customDirectoryName)
at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.Publisher.PublishPackage(String sourcePath, String additionalSourcePath, String packageDirectoryName)
at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.Publisher.PublishPackage(String sourcePath, String packageDirectoryName)
at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.SCE.Internal.UI.NewUpdatePackageWizard.PreparingPackagePage.PreparePackageBackgroundWorkerDoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
The problem was that all the shares hadn’t been created at setup.
I created the following shares, which were missing, and it started working:
\servernameUpdateServicesPackages – C:SCEUpdateServicesPackages
\servernameWsusContent – C:SCEWsusContent
\servernameWsusTemp – C:Program FilesUpdate ServiceslogFilesWSUSTemp
On all of these I added the following permission:
Domain Admins – Full Control
Thanks to the guys at ITPROFFS.se
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