A critical Windows Media Center process has failed. Please contact your hardware manufacturer and restart the computer

I had a problem with my Media Center PC today… Went I went into Recorded TV i got the following error:


“A critical Windows Media Center process has failed. Please contact your hardware manufacturer and restart the computer”


I also got these in the eventlog:


Fault bucket 175194775, type 5
Event Name: CLR20r3
Response: None
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: ehrec.exe
P2: 6.0.6001.18000
P3: 4791937d
P4: ehepg
P5: 6.0.6000.0
P6: 4791a67a
P7: 3a6
P8: 0
P9: .NullReferenceException.431366F5

Attached files:


Fault bucket 175194775, type 5
Event Name: CLR20r3
Response: None
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: ehrec.exe
P2: 6.0.6001.18000
P3: 4791937d
P4: ehepg
P5: 6.0.6000.0
P6: 4791a67a
P7: 3a6
P8: 0
P9: .NullReferenceException.431366F5

Attached files:


The problem turned out to be that the xml file containing the recording information was corrupt. I finally found a solution to the problem but unfortunately it meant erasing the file and loosing all of your recording info, which you will need to recreate. Follow this and it will work:


1.  Right click on “Computer” and select “Manage”.

2.  Open up the services and get ready to temporarily shut down the “Windows Media Center Scheduler Service” and “Windows Media Center Receiver Service”.

3.  Open up the following directory “C:ProgramDataMicrosofteHomeRecording”.

4.  Shut down both of the Media Center services in above and quickly rename (or delete) the “Recording.xml” and “Recording.xml.bak” (the Media Center Services restart for some reason and you can’t properly delete the recording schedule data without having them shut down).

5.  Start the service “Windows Media Center Service Launcher” (this will start both of the other services correctly).

After this, Media Center will recreate the Recordings.xml file and you can reprogram your scheduled recordings.





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