Finding the PC name of a POS register

In my previous post I showed you how to get the installed version of the POS software on each register. In some cases you might need to manually update this if the update has not worked correctly you will need to connect to the actual PC (or even go on site).

Unfortunately the information in D365FO does not contain the computer name. To get the computer name we need to look in LCS Telemetry. The only value I found to map between the export from D365FO and LCS is Physical Device ID. In order to be able to match the two Excel spread sheets we will need to add the field Physical Device ID to the Export from D365FO.

To export telemetry from LifeCycleServices, Log into LCS, select the environment you are looking at and click in Environment Monitoring.

The maximum number of loglines is 5000 and in order to see what we want to see we will need to limit the results a bit. First of all set Query Name to Retail Channel events. Select a time interval (10 days or so) and set log source to Retail Modern POS. To further limit the results the query return I add 1018 on the search terms. Export the information by clicking Export Grid.

Copy the entire sheet and paste it into a second tab in the D365FO Excel. Name the two tabs D365FO and Telemetry. In the Telemetry tab go to Data and click Remove Duplicates. Click Unselect All and then choose the Role Instance column and click OK.

In the D365FO tab, choose the first cell in the first empty column and paste the following in the formula field

=XLOOKUP(LEFT([@[Physical device ID]];25);Telemetry!Q:Q;Telemetry!G:G;;-1)

Note: You might need to adjust the Column name at the start of the formula in order to fit your export. The columns pointing to the Telemetry tab should be OK if you keep it standard. Fill all the cells in the columns with the same formula. This should add the PC Name to the Excel.

That is it for today 🙂


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