UPDATED: Configuring access for mobile warehousing app in Dynamics 365 for Operations

Back in 2018 I wrote an article on how to configure a D365FO instance to enable the Warehousing App. A lot of time has passed and tonight I will set up the all new and improved Warehouse App so I thought I would also take the time to update the original article

  1. Go to the azure portal. In Azure Active Directory – App Registrations create a web application for the warehouse portal
    Name: WhatEverYouWant
    Who can use thisapplication or access this API: Accounts in this organizational directory only
    Application Type: Web app/API
    Sign-on URL: https://[theURLforyourdynamicsinstance]/oauth
  2. Open the application to edit it
  3. Verify Application ID. Save this for later…
  4. Go to API Permissions and click Add a permission
  5. Select the API called Microsoft Dynamics ERP (Microsoft.ERP)
  6. Choose Delegated Permissions
  7. Under Permission to other applications click add application and add Microsoft Dynamics ERP
  8. Add the following permissions
    – Access Dynamics AX online as organization users
    – Access Dynamics AX data
    – Access Dynamics AX Custom Service
    Click Add Permissions
  9. Click Grant admin consent for [Your Organization] and confirm your choice
  10. Go to Certificates and Secrets and click New client secret. Select an expiration and give the key a description like D365FO Warehousing App
  11. Log into Dynamics 365 for Operations and go to System Administration – Users and create a new user (in my case called WMAPP. The email address can be anything since it will never be used. The user needs this role:
    – Warehouse mobile device user
  12. Now we need to associate the user to the AD Application which is done on System Administration – Setup – Azure Active Directory applications. Here we paste the App ID/ClientID from before and select the user we created. Click Save and you are done.
  13. Install the App from app store and enter these settings:
    1. Azure Active Directory ID: AppID/ClientID from step 3
    2. Azure Active Directory Client Secret: The key from step 10
    3. Azure Active Directory Resource: Your Dynamics 365 URL
    4. Azure Active Directory Tennant: https://login.windows.net/yourAzureADtennant.onmicrosoft.com
    5. Company: Dynamics 365 for Operations Legal Entity
  14. To configure the mobile att you create a JSON file with the connection setting
    "ConnectionList": [
            "ConnectionName": "YourConnection",
            "ActiveDirectoryResource": "https://{[yourdynamicsenvironent].cloudax.dynamics.com/",
            "ActiveDirectoryTenant": "https://login.windows.net/[yourtenantid].onmicrosoft.com",
            "Company": "USMF",
            "IsEditable": true,
            "IsDefaultConnection": true,
            "ConnectionType": "clientsecret"
  1. The JSON file can either be uploaded to the device or converted to a QR code using a service like this.
  2. Unfortunately/Thankfully the client secret cannot be put in the file/QR code and it have to be entered manually by editing the connection on the mobile device.
  3. To login in to the app you will need to have a username and password. Go to Warehouse Management – Setup – Worker – Users and select a user (in my case 24). Reset the password for worker 24
  4. Login to the app using User ID 24 and the new password you just set

To use the new Warehousing App you will need to enable a feature i D365FO called User settings, icons, and step titles for the new warehouse app which is available from 10.0.17

Install and connect the warehouse app – Supply Chain Management | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Docs


2 responses to “UPDATED: Configuring access for mobile warehousing app in Dynamics 365 for Operations”

  1. Roel De Bie
    Roel De Bie

    Also a little of a shame, because the long secret is mostly not easy to put in to the mobile device. Also the password is hidden when you type….

    “Unfortunately/Thankfully the client secret cannot be put in the file/QR code and it have to be entered manually by editing the connection on the mobile device.”

    1. Johan

      So true!!

      I am hoping for a better provisioning method for this

      Thanks for commenting


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