When trying to set up hosted builds for D365FO in Azure DevOps according to this guide posted by Paul Heisterkamp i bumped into an issue… in one of the last steps you push the NuGet packages, downloaded from LCS, into the artefact feed that you have created.
The issue I got was when uploading the largest package (microsoft.dynamics.ax.application.devalm.buildxpp.10.0.464.13.nupkg) is that first I got a timeout an I had to set the timeout parameter in nuget.exe.
When I did that I got another error:
Error: Reponse status 503 – service unavailable
This happened after the upload had gone on for some time. Looking online I noticed that others having the same issue had discovered it to be a network issue (and in some cases proxy issues).
In order to solve the issue I uploaded the file to my D365FO dev machine and tried the push from there… it worked and it took only a couple of seconds… Wohoo…
The learnings of the day… Azure VMs has more bandwidth than I do… who knew #abitenvious
So there you go…
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