Flow Friday: Posting Azure VM Auto Shutdown notifications to Microsoft Teams

When you have Azure VMs up and running there is a function to auto shut them down when they are not being used. You can do that in a couple of ways. One of the newer ones is to use the Azure DevTest Labs functionality to do this. Half an hour before the VM is shut down Azure sends an email to a pre-defined adress where you have the option to post-pone or cancel the shutdown.

Today one of my colleagues asked me if it was possible to get this email, with the links, into Teams. My first thought was to send it to the Teams Channel email. Unfortunately did not display correctly…

My next try was to use the Webhook in DevTest Labs functionality and the incoming webhook connector in Teams. When I did this the message did not look very “user friendly”

So I thought I would give Power Automate a try. I set up DevTest Labs to send the email to my mailbox. The I creating a trigger for an incoming email and with a filter for the email adress that Azure DevTest Labs user

The I add a block posting to Teams Channel. In order to get it to work I had to cut down the message to size. I used the title tag in the email and the phrase “Note that” at the end of the message to cut away the beginning and the end of the message body to fit the message in the Teams post.

The Expression:
substring(triggerBody()?[‘Body’],indexOf(triggerBody()?[‘Body’],'<H1′),sub(indexOf(triggerBody()?[‘Body’],’Note that’), indexOf(triggerBody()?[‘Body’],'<H1′)))

Finally I move the message to my Archive folder.

The message is now in Teams 🙂

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