Flow Friday – Feeding news to MS Teams

The other day I asked my colleagues to provide me with good real world problems that I could help them solve in Power Platform. The first challenge was “Could you add news feeds in Microsoft Teams”. No problems 🙂

Create a new Flow and start with the RSS component and add the adress to the RSS feed.

Add the Microsoft Teams component called Post a Message V3 (Preview), select your Teams Tenant and the channel where you want to post the news posts.

Create the message and add Feed Title, Primary Feed Link and Feed Summary. In my case I want the title to be clickable and go to the original post in a new window. This required a small trick. Add a link from the UI using dummy text and link and the go to the code view ( </> ). Here you can replace both text and link with Feed Title and Primary Feed Link

Now we wait… for a post

That is it for today…

Keep Flowing


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