This document is a check-list I have compiled on moving a database from one OneBox environment to another. Microsoft does not have a document for this scenario so I have compiled information from multiple blog posts.
1. Create a Backup copy of the Source database
2. Move the Database to the destination environment and restore it there
3. Stop the AX Services
- World wide web publishing service (on all AOS computers)
- Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Batch Management Service
(on non-private AOS computers only)- Management Reporter 2012 Process Service (on business intelligence [BI]
computers only)
4. Rename the OLD database to AxDB_ORIG_TodaysDate and rename the newly restored database to AxDB.
5. Start the services that was stopped in Step 3 above
6. Sync the Database using either Visual Studio or this command from an elevated command prompt:
K:<br /> cd K:\AosService\WebRoot\bi<br /> Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe -bindir "K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory" -metadatadir K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory -sqluser axdbadmin –sqlserver localhost -sqldatabase AxDB -setupmode sync -syncmode fullall -isazuresql false -sqlpwd <sql password> >log.txt 2>&1
Note: K is the Service Volume
Verify that there are no errors in log.txt
7. I the environment is running Retail you will need to run the Retail Reprovisioning tool in this document.
8. Reset the Financial Reporting Database according to this document.
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