Installing Security Development Tool for AX 2012 R3

Today I am installing Security Development Tool in one of our lab environments. First of all you need to download the tool from LifeCycle Services.

When you have the file msi file it is time to do the install

  1. Start by running the msi file… this is an extremely short install which seems to do nothing… but that is OK
  2. When the mis install is done start Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Management Shell as an elevated user and run the followingInstall-AXModel -File “c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Security Development Tool\SecurityDevelopmentTool.axmodel” -Server [servername] -Database [databasename]
  3. Start the AX client and you will get a message that the Model store has been modified. Select Compile and Syncronize and wait for the process to complete
  4. When AX is done compiling and syncing start the AOT (by pressing Crtl + D)
  5. Browse to the Class called SysSecEntryPointmanagerSetup, right-click and select Open
  6. Restart the AX client
  7. When the client is restarted go to Administration and click Security entry point permissionsNote: You might get an error that the tool can only be run in Single-User session mode. In that case goto Administration – Online users and disconnect all users except your own

That is all



8 responses to “Installing Security Development Tool for AX 2012 R3”

  1. Jonathan Rodrigue
    Jonathan Rodrigue

    The link doesn’t work, where we can download the Security Development Tool for AX R3 ?

    1. johan

      Thanks Jonathan! I have changed the link.

  2. maxim banoub
    maxim banoub

    Thanks johan!

  3. abdul shakoor
    abdul shakoor

    very use full information and easy to understand , thanks

    1. admin


  4. Sandeep Nathe
    Sandeep Nathe

    addition to this,
    we have to provide the server name and model database name in the above query

    PS C:\> Install-AXModel -File “c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Security Develop
    ment Tool\SecurityDevelopmentTool.axmodel” -Server -Database

    1. Sandeep Nathe
      Sandeep Nathe

      PS C:\> Install-AXModel -File “c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Security Develop
      ment Tool\SecurityDevelopmentTool.axmodel” -Server servername -Database databasename

      1. Johan

        Hi Sandeep…

        Thanks for pointing that out. I have edited the post.


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