Today I will highlite a couple of things…
First of all: If you have not used OneGet (which comes with Windows 10) you should definately take loog at it. It lets you install software and powershell modules from different repositories on the internet (think Apt-get on Linux)
Second of all… My colleagues at AddLevel has created a PowerShell module for downloading the Ignite sessions automatically and it is available from Technet Gallery which makes it downloadable by using OneGet… Here is how you do it:
- Start an elevated Powershell prompt on your Windows 10 Computer
- Enter Find-Module CH9 | Format-List to have a look at the information about the package. If this is the first time you use Oneget, Powershell will ask you if it is OK to install the NuGet provider.
- If you want to install the package use: Find-Module CH9 | Install-Module
- Once you have installed the module, use get-command -module CH9 to fund which CMDlets are available
- To download all Mikael Nystroms sessions from Ignite 2015 use this:
Get-CH9EventItem -Speaker “Mikael Nystrom” -EventName Ignite -Region NorthAmerica -Year 2015 | Save-CH9EventItem -StorePath C:\Users\johan.persson\Downloads
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