Here is a description on how to uninstall the Trend Micro Officescan Client if you have lost the uninstall password.
To remove / reset the uninstall password for Trend Micro OfficeScan
– Edit Ofcscan.ini file. (Do a search.)
On Windows.95/98/XP machines it is usually in C:WindowsOfcscan.ini
On Windows.NT/2K machines it is usually in C:WINNTOfcscan.ini
On Windows.XP/Vista machines it is usually in C:Program FilesTrend MicroOfficeScan Client
– Open the Ofcscan.ini file using notepad search for the [INI_CLIENT_SECTION]
– Find the line reading Uninstall_Pwd= and type a # at the beginning of the line to comment it out.
– Insert a new line saying Uninstall_Pwd=70
– Save the Ofcscan.ini file and retry the uninstall. When it prompts you for a password, enter a ‘1’.
Thankyou Mia for the hint so I could find this