As you know Exchange 2007 can be totally administered by using Powerscript. Here I have tried to collect some scripts for Exchange 2007 administration:
Empty a mailbox database
List mailbox servers in an organisation
List maildatabases on current server
List mailboxes in maildatabase
get-mailbox -database "Mailbox Database"
Disable a mailbox
disable-mailbox [mailboxid]
Bulk enable mailboxes for AD users:
selects all users from AD
get-user | where-object{$_.RecipientType –eq “User”}
Selects all users from the OU people
get-user –organizationalUnit people | where-object{$_.RecipientType –eq “User”}
get-user -organizationalUnit domain/OU/SUBOU | where-object{$_.RecipientType -eq "User"}
Note: This will get you only users NOT users with mailboxes
Mailenable users from CSV file
Import-CSV import.csv | foreach {enable-mailbox -Identity $_.Fullname -database EXCHSERVERMailbox Database"}
Where the importfile looks like this:
Firstname Lastname, Change Booking Policy for resources
Set-MailboxCalendarSettings -Identity "Resource Name" -BookingWindowInDays 520
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