In a previous article I wrote a bit about Data Events in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. Data Events is a really simple way to create event-based integrations based on changes in the different data entities in FnO. The Data Events functionality is based on functionality in Power Platform. The setup requires the installation of the Finance and Operations Virtual Entity solution in the Power Platform environment connected to FnO. When you create a trigger Data Event it also created a virtual entity in DataVerse. This creates a couple of challenges when it comes to refreshing databases between environments.
For FnO
The settings for the endpoints created in FnO are partially stored in FnO and partially stored in an Azure Key Vault. The settings stored in FnO are amongst others Key Vault URL, App registration ID and Secret. To make sure that these settings do not get extracted from the environment (or accidentally moved to another environment) they are encrypted using an environment specific key and are thus not readable in the destination environment for the refresh. To restore the functionality of Data Events in the destination environment the endpoints need to be removed and recreated. After that has been done, we can re-activate the triggers.
Note that broken endpoints create an issue even if they are not being used. It seems like all endpoints are being validated when you try to create a new one which results in the creation failing.
For DataVerse/CRM
Since the functionality of Data Events is based on Virtual Entities created in DataVerse these will be overwritten when a refresh is done from one DataVerse environment to another. The error message you will get when the event is triggered is this:
Response status code does not indicate success: 404 ({“error”:{“code”:”0x80048d02″,”message”:”Virtual entity ‘mserp_vendvendorbankaccountentity’ not found for external entity VendVendorBankAccountEntity”}}).
(of course, with a different entity name based on your scenario)
The solution is to go to the Active Data Events tab in the Business Events workspace and remove and recreate each Data Event Trigger.
Note. You might have to wait a moment (1 minuter or so) before you recreate the trigger in order for everything to be properly cleaned in DataVerse.
Note: I have not been able to verify what happens if the identical triggers are set up in both source and destination environments. It might be that there are no issues or we might have the same issue. If anyone knows, please let me know 🙂
Lessons Learned: There has always been a lot to think about when you do refreshes… And DataVerse integration/DualWrite adds even more. There is a great article by Faisal Fareed here that detail steps that needs to be done for DualWrite integrated environments.
Not able to activate Data Events for entities –
Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform Library: Steps to follow when refresh dual-write integrated environments (FO and CE) (