Verify all installed hotfixes in AX 2009

Today I need to handle an older system… I need to verify if a hotfix is installed in and older AX 2009 system. I found this instruction online (link below): Here is another way to get the list of installed KBs in AX 2009:

  1. Start the AOT (Ctrl + D)
  2. Go to Classes – SysHotfixManifest and expand it
  3. Select a methods and press Ctrl + A to select all methods
  4. Right-click and click Add-Ins – Copy – Name
  5. Paste into Wordpad (Notepad does not handle the CRs very well)
  6. Search for the KB number you want to find

That’s it



Updating a secondary AOS instance

Today one of my colleuges had an issue with applying a hotfix in a customers environment. The environment had three AOS instances installed on the same server which had the correct version and they installed a fourth one which they missed to patch.

When we ran the axupdate install file we got this screen:


It said that there is nothing to patch… which there was… weird. So looking around the internet I found out that there is a command line parameters for axupdate called AOSINSTANCENAME… great… that should work…


Doh… turns out you cannot use comandline parameters unless you run a completely silent install…

axupdate.exe AcceptLicenseTerms=1 AosInstanceName=04-AX183ByggUserTest AosStart=0 HideUI=1 InstallAos=1 LogDir=”c:\Temp”

If you miss the HideUI=1 it will also ignore all of the other parameters Sad smile

Well… all well that ends well

Merry Xmas


AX 2009 Firewall Issues

Today we are looking into an AX 2009 install…

If you install AX 2009 on a server with the Firewall enabled the setup program will create a new firewall rule called Dynamics AX 5.0-[AXInstanceName]. This would be all good if it wasn’t for the fact that the rule was wrong Sad smile

The rule points to this path:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\50\Server\[AXInstanceName]\Bin\Ax32Serv

This should of course be:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\50\Server\[AXInstanceName]\Bin\Ax32Serv.exe

Change it and everything will work Winking smile

