Understanding Electronic Reporting Dependencies

I have for a while now meaning to write a blog post about dependencies in Electronic Reporting in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Supply Chain… and now I finally got a reason since I had a customer that needed to move ER configuration to a Cloud hosted Environment. In Tier2+ environments, you can do this by using the RCS repository but that is not possible for cloud hosted environments.

So I want to move ISO20022 Credit transfer (IE) to another environment.

In order to that we need to move all upstream dependencies. As you can see in the image there are different levels in the ER config. To move Level 3 we first need to create level one and two…

Otherwise we will get a Unresolved references left – Reference of the object ‘Object Name’ to the object ‘Model’ (GUID,version) cannot be established

Unfortunately I have not found the GUID useful here since I am not able to see the GUID anywhere in the UI (maybe someone who understands better can explain), but the version (61) gives us a hint. If we look at the ISO20022 Credit transfer (IE), we can see that it has a dependency to ISO20022 Credit transfer version 43.61

and if we look at ISO20022 Credit transfer version 43.61, it has a dependency to Payment model version 43

This means that we start with exporting and moving Payment model version 43.

Then we import it in the new environment

Then we do the same with ISO20022 Credit transfer version 43.61 and when that is done we repeat for ISO20022 Credit transfer (IE) version 43.61.13

Normally I do this by using the RCS repository but that is not possible for cloud hosted environments