Migration/Integrating Active Directory and NDS



MIIS 2003 Product Overview
Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Frequently Asked Questions

Evaluation Download


Microsoft Windows Services for NetWare

Microsoft Windows Services for NetWare 5.03 Overview – Can be used for migration and Coexistence
Microsoft Windows Services for NetWare Component Summary
Services for NetWare 5.03 White Paper
Novell NetWare integration overview

Synchronizing Windows 2000 Active Directory with Novell Directories

Download – Available Free from Microsoft

Unable to install the Intranet Component while installing SmallBusiness Server 2003

Question: Why do I have this problem installing SmallBusiness Server 2003

Answer: There is a known error on the first rease of the CDs of Smallbusiness Server 2003. Here is the KB
and here is the patch: SBS2003-KB832880-X86-ENU.EXE (522,77 KB)

The terminal services client has been disconnected because its temporary license has expired.

Error: The terminal services client <client> has been disconnected because its temporary license has expired. 


This problem may occur if the Licensing Mode in Terminal Services is set to Per Device, the Terminal Server Licensing server only has Per User CALS.

To correct this problem, change the Licensing Mode in Terminal Services Configuration to Per User. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Terminal Services Configuration.
2. Click Server Settings, and then double-click Licensing Mode.
3. Change the Licensing Mode to Per User, and then click OK.

Currently, Window Server 2003 does not manage User CALs. This means that even though there is a User CAL in the license server database, the User CAL will not be decremented when it is used. This does not remove administrators from End User License Agreement (EULA) requirements to have a valid terminal server (TS) CAL for each user. Failure to have a User CAL for each user, if Device CALs are not being used, is a violation of the EULA. In the future, this behavior will be changed and User CALs will be managed.

The following text is from the End User License Agreement (EULA) for Windows Server 2003:

Two different TS CALs are available to you: “Device” and “User.” Each TS Device CAL permits one Device (used by any User) to conduct Windows Sessions on any of your Servers. Each TS User CAL permits one User (using any Device) to conduct Windows Sessions on any of your Servers. You may use a mix of TS Device CALs and TS User CALs simultaneously with the Server Software in your environment. You can have a Terminal Server request Per User licenses or Per Device (default) but not both simultaneously.

Kat's Famous Chocolate Cake

200 grams of butter (yes, real butter)
100 grams of Marabou or other light chocolate (milk chocolate)
100 grams of Marabou or other dark chocolate
5 eggs
2 dl sugar
2dl of white flour

Melt the butter and the chocolate in a saucepan on very low heat. Careful that it doesn’t burn. Whip the eggs and sugar until they are quite fluffy (duh). Mix the butter and stuff with the eggs and stuff. Mix in the flour until the dough is even.

Bake at 250 degrees for 15-20 minutes depending on your oven. It is supposed to be really loose, so don’t worry if it seems like jell-o when you take it out.

Let cool. Serve with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.

Flygande Jakob

Flygande Jakob – enligt Pia Hansen

4 kycklingfiléer
2 bananer
3 dl vispgrädde
lite chilisås eller tomatketchup
1 paket bacon
1 dl salta jordnötter
Krydda och stek kycklingfiléerna. Dela dem därefter i 4-5 bitar och lägg dem i en ugnseldfast form. Dela bananerna på längden och varva dem med kycklingbitarna. Vispa grädden och blanda med chilisås eller tomatketchup till lagom smak. Bred därefter ut grädden så att den täcker formen och sätt in formen och gratinera i 225 grader under ca 20 minuter.Skär under tiden baconet i små bitar och stek det knaprigt. När kycklingen är färdig i ugnen, tas den ut och beströs med baconbiotarna och de slata jordnötterna.



Servera med kokt ris och en god grönsallad.

Forcing Election on Master Browser


The browsing on my windows network does not seem to work.


The problem might be on the Master Browser for the subnet.

If it is the one with the PDC Restart the Computer Browser Service on the PDC otherwise you need to locate the Master Browser for that segment. If it is a NT/2000/XP machine restart the service, if it is a 9x computer reboot it.

To locate the masterbrowser and force an election you can use BROWSTAT.exe from the Resource Kit.

Avstängning av DEP stödet i Windows XP SP2

Fråga: Hur stänger jag DEP för problematiska applikationer?


1. Klicka på Start och sedan på Kontrollpanelen.
2. Dubbelklicka på System i klassiskt läge.
3. Klicka på fliken Avancerat, Prestanda och Inställningar.
4. Klicka på fliken Dataexekveringsskydd i dialogrutan Prestandaalternativ.
5. Markera Turn on DEP for all programs and services except for those I select och sedan på Lägg till.
6. Leta reda på programmet i dialogrutan Öppna, markera det och klicka på Öppna.
7. Klicka på Verkställ och sedan på OK. Ett meddelande om att du måste starta om datorn för att inställningen ska börja gälla visas. Klicka på OK.

Fråga: Kan jag stänga av DEP helt och hållet?

Svar:  Ändra boot.ini switchen /noexecute = Policy_level

Där Policy_Level kan ha något av följande värden:

Policy Level Description



Only Windows system components and services have DEP protection applied (default configuration)


DEP is enabled for all processes. Administrators can manually create a list of specific applications which do not have DEP applied



DEP is enabled for all processes



DEP is not enabled for any processes



Detaljerad beskrivning av dataexekveringsskydd i Windows XP SP2
Changes to Functionality in Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2
How to Configure Memory Protection in Windows XP SP2