The Real-Time Service call Failed when trying to use CloudPoS

One of my colleagues contacted me today about an issue. When he was logged into the Dynamics 365 for Operations  Cloud POS and he tried to perform a “Real-Time Operation” such as resetting a password he got this error:


To reproduce it I tried to do the same, and low and behold it worked… we used the same PoS worker and we had the same Roles in Dynamics…

While he was doing some more testing i logged in to the Dynamics Server using RDP to see if there was anything in the Event viewer… Found something!

Real-time Service client library call for API ‘InvokeMethod’ method ‘UpdateStaffPassword’, language ‘sv-SE’, and company ‘usrt’ failed. Exception: ‘System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Dynamics.Retail.TransactionServices.ClientProxy.Fault]: Fault was thrown by the service for request c7f48632-52a9-447e-ba42-9d7cb4c800ba. Exception details:
Type: Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.ErrorException

Message: The language sv-SE is not supported by Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations
. For a list of supported languages, see Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations Online. (Fault Detail is equal to Microsoft.Dynamics.Retail.TransactionServices.ClientProxy.Fault).’.

The language sv-SE is not supported by Dynamics 365 for Operations… that’s better… now I know where to look. My browser was using english and my colleague was using swedish. We changed it to look like this by switching the order and moving English to the top…


… it worked !!!

That is all for today
